Please check the blog daily though I will set most prep at the start of the week.
Create a doc entitled
Answer the following question in a full paragraph answer, using examples if you think it is appropriate.
'Do all leaders need the same qualities?'
Find a leadership quote, or quotes, that you like, copy and paste the image/quote and write an explanation of why it appeals underneath.
Under the heading of Rubbish and Waste, please find the definition of:
Waste Management is ....
Personal Voice/Opinion
Please answer the following question using your own opinion and personal voice/knowledge to construct a well thought out answer to the following statements.
We need to reduce the amount of Rubbish and Waste we use on a daily basis because......
Five examples of ways we/people can reduce waste is by changing their daily habits
Please find questions you need to answer by Monday 20th August 2018 on Marine Reserves in your Science Book please boys.
Marine Reserve: Fish for the Future - Week 4 - Fishy, Fishy!!! -
Seafood Industry New Zealand: Please scroll down and rewatch the following short video's to help you with the above Fish for the Future homework Sheet.
1. We're fishing smarter
2. We're leading the world
3. We're at the heart of the community
Don't forget to read each night and complete 15 minutes of Maths Whiz too!
Being that many of you have a lot of work to do on the Founders essay/ family research (due Monday of Week 9) there are no spelling words this week. You also, however, need to:
PAT's are next week so to prepare, work through Action English, Page 57 & 59 C, Page 60 B & C, Page 63 C, Chapter 5 Pages 67-75.
Mark to ensure you are on the right track!
Continue working on your Reduce, Reuse, Recycle slideshow. I will expect all boys to share their selected infographics, with voice over, next week.
Start thinking about ...
Speeches - you need to prepare a speech of 2- 2.5 minutes to present to the class at the beginning of Week 7. The best speeches will go through to a Year 7 final on the Monday of Week 8 and the very best will be presented at the Year 7 & 8 speech final in the Chapel on Wednesday 5 December.
Often the hardest part is choosing a topic so have a search online or check out the links below:
Ask yourself if you'd want to listen to what you are speaking about!
(if not...change your topic!)
Your speech needs to be written onto cue cards
Click on image below for a truly awesome speech
Create a doc entitled
Answer the following question in a full paragraph answer, using examples if you think it is appropriate.
'Do all leaders need the same qualities?'
Find a leadership quote, or quotes, that you like, copy and paste the image/quote and write an explanation of why it appeals underneath.
Term 3 - Week 8 - Science Homework
Under the heading of 'Science Terminology' can you please look up the definition of and write a constructive sentence to explain what it means.
- Anaerobic Bacteria
- Aerobic Bacteria
- Bio-degradable
- Non-biodegradable
- Decompose
Term 3 - Week 7- Science Homework
Boys - please ensure you are up to date with your Science work, as discussed in class can you please create a new heading - Rubbish and Waste.
Under the heading of Rubbish and Waste, please find the definition of:
Waste Management is ....
Reduce means to ....
Recycle means to ....
Reuse means to ....
Personal Voice/Opinion
Please answer the following question using your own opinion and personal voice/knowledge to construct a well thought out answer to the following statements.
We need to reduce the amount of Rubbish and Waste we use on a daily basis because......
Five examples of ways we/people can reduce waste is by changing their daily habits
Monday - read your novel for 15 minutes; complete 15 minutes of IXL or Maths Whiz and spend the last 15 minutes working on your second 'Book Review Bubble' which outlines the book you have read; who it was written by; why you liked it; your favourite part, including a quote directly from the book; and a ranking.
'Fishing for the Future' is due Tuesday so that, and IXL/ Maths Whiz and silent reading is your only prep for Monday night. There will be a couple of smaller tasks for Tuesday-Thursday nights as well as learning your spelling words (boys who were skiing, learn week 5's words but don't worry about sentences.)
Have a look around the Wnderopolis site by clicking on the image below!
Week Five
Boys your 'Fish for the Future' Fact Sheet is due this week. Please make sure it is completed ready for collection and marking! See below - Week Four.
Your Sustainability, Climate Change and Reduce, Reuse and Recycle title page was due for completion today - Monday 6 August 2018.
Please find questions you need to answer by Monday 20th August 2018 on Marine Reserves in your Science Book please boys.
Marine Reserve: Fish for the Future - Week 4 - Fishy, Fishy!!! -
Seafood Industry New Zealand: Please scroll down and rewatch the following short video's to help you with the above Fish for the Future homework Sheet.
1. We're fishing smarter
2. We're leading the world
3. We're at the heart of the community
- Goal setting for the second half of the year - use your report, think about the discussions we had with your parents and make SMART goals - at least two must be academic (think about how well you work, the quality and quantity of work you produce, time management, groups you are in etc). Do this on a Google Doc or Google Drawing.
- Weekly Quiz & paragraph - Mrs Small and Mr McCorkell have this weeks quiz.
- Looking Back to Move Forward - continue to research and work on your presentation. Be ready to present key points to the class next week (without reading directly from your poster or slides)
- READ! READ! READ! Whenever you can - keep your reading log updated.
- No spelling this week
Complete spelling sentences, using each list word in a separate sentence. The meaning of list words should be evident and list words must be underlined with a ruler and red pen.
Due by Friday
Current Events Quiz - complete and choose one question as the base of a researched paragraph of 4-5 sentences, written in your own words with capital letters for proper nouns.
Social Science
Click on the link below for details around your research presentation.
If you are unsure of what to do, please ask!
Read for at least 10 minutes each night - keep your reading log updated!
15 minutes of IXL or Maths Whiz each night
Spelling - complete sentences (not definitions) by Friday - check that what you have written reflects what the words mean and also that what you have written makes sense. Underline list words using a red pen and a ruler.
Two vocab/spelling sheets - 5 minute Activity 2 & Sports
Weekly Quiz with a paragraph (4-5 sentences, researched not copied) on one of the questions - this week IT CAN NOT BE ABOUT THE FLAG! Remember to update your map and countries table.
Read for at least 15 minutes a day and complete 15 minutes of Maths Whiz/IXL.
Think about what you can do as
Spelling - complete sentences by Friday - check that what you have written reflects what the words mean and also that what you have written makes sense. Underline list words using a red pen and a ruler.
Read for 15 minutes each night and also complete at least 15 minutes on Maths Whiz or IXL
- Complete your AUTUMN brainstorm - 6 colours (not 'common ones'); 10 synonyms for fall; 6 things that fall from the sky; 6 things that cover. We will work these into descriptive sentences, two of which you will display in leaves for the wall.
- Complete spelling sentences(not definitions) using list words in a way that meaning is reflected - NOT DEFINITIONS! Underline list words. Due Friday
- Weekly Current Events Quiz is also due by Friday along with a paragraph based on one of the questions(not the flag). Your paragraph should outline what happened as well as when, where and who was affected. Try and also explain how or why the event happened.
- MATHS WHIZ or IXL for 15 minutes each night
- Read at least 15 minutes each day
Spelling - use each list word in a spelling sentence that reflects the meaning of the word. Check for capital letters (to start and for proper nouns) and end punctuation. Underline the list word using a red pen and a ruler.
Weekly Quiz - research to complete
ANZAC Research Sheet - answer the six questions that you have written around the ANZACs role in Gallipoli and WW1. Present on an A4 sheet with supporting images.
All due Friday
Being that many of you have a lot of work to do on the Founders essay/ family research (due Monday of Week 9) there are no spelling words this week. You also, however, need to:
- complete, by researching, the weekly quiz and write an interesting paragraph of 4-5 sentences on one of the questions(not one of the images this week).
- complete two pieces of A2 adjective art
- start preparing your reading for the LS Rickard Oral English Competition.
Introduction /2
Eye Contact
X Factor
- Read for 15 minutes each night. As did you know that:
Not too much prep this week boys - just:
- your spelling sentences (please note that if any are missing capital letters or punctuation, or do not make sense they will be rewritten) Spelling Lists
- Weekly Quiz with a paragraph on one of the questions - this week IT CAN NOT BE ABOUT THE FLAG!
- Don't forget your Founders Essay or family research - due two weeks today!
- READ, READ, READ! At least ten minutes in bed each night
Make sure you have invited your grandparents to Grandparents Morning on Wednesday starting at 8.30am.
Spelling sentences
Weekly Current Events Quiz + informative and interesting FACTUAL paragraph.
Check below to make sure last week's Science is complete
Spelling - alphabetical lists and sentences that reflect words meaning.
Social Science - complete quiz and a decent paragraph that outlines what happened, when, where, who was affected or involved and possibly why it occurred - can be based on a quiz question or image. Also 'Global Citizenship' title page with images and frame.
You will have to research and look for his famous science equation boys. What was it! It's world famous!!
Founders Essay due in Week 9 - details on the front page of the blog.
Science Homework:
Please ensure you create your 5-star Title page is completed.
Force and Motion:
Find a picture similar to the below picture of Sir Isaac Newton to use at school within your Science book when we learn about his 'Newtons Laws of Motion'. Can you also find a picture of his famous science gravitational force equation boys! It' world famous!
You will have to research and look for his famous science equation boys. What was it! It's world famous!!
Founders Essay due in Week 9 - details on the front page of the blog.
Read for at least ten minutes every day.
It may seem like a lot of prep at the moment but do a little in any spare minute you get in class and you will have less to do at home.
Spelling - write your words in alphabetical order then use each in a sentence that reflects the words meaning - definitions will not be accepted this week! Underline your list words with a red pen and ruler. Check for capital letters and punctuation. Due Thursday.
Weekly Quiz - complete then choose one question or image to write a minimum of 4 sentences about. This should be factual not opinion based.
Read for at least ten minutes each night.
Global Citizenship Title Page - can be hand or digitally created - must have a frame and relevant images. ENSURE ANY WORDS ARE SPELT CORRECTLY!
Week Four Writing prep: Watch the video in preparation for our work on Recount writing.
SPELLING LISTS - updated each week!
Week Three Prep:
Spelling - rewrite your spelling words in alphabetical order in your Literacy book then use each in a sentence that shows what the list word means eg 'I am savage.' means nothing but 'The savage dog bit me.' shows what the word savage means. Underline each list word using a red pen and ruler. Check each sentence starts with a capital letter and finishes with a full stop, exclamation mark or question mark.
These sentences are due to be handed in on Wednesday.
Social Science( you cannot start this until after our first lesson on Tuesday)
Complete definition work, remembering to note your sources. Finish the Weekly Quiz in the back of your book. Choose one question or image to write a more detailed paragraph about - think about the 5 'w's' - what, who, where, when, why and also, possibly how. Complete this paragraph at the back of your books.
Writing - complete task on Google Classroom for Mr McCorkell
Simply watch this charming video !! Listen to the language used ........
Languages - finish title page for Mrs Kasper by the start of Week Four
Simply watch this charming video !! Listen to the language used ........
Languages - finish title page for Mrs Kasper by the start of Week Four