Maths Classes

  • Special Numbers - factors, multiples, prime and square numbers
  • Add/sub/mult/div of whole numbers and decimals
  • Converting between fractions, decimals and percentages
  • Finding fractions and percentages of a whole
  • displaying provided data using an appropriate graph
  • interpretation of graphs/data presentations
  • average, mean, median, mode and range of data
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8MS - Monday 14 May 2018

Please do revision on:
Expressing a decimal as a percentage (Sheet 9) - issued in class today for your exam next week.
Expressing a percentage as a decimal (Sheet 10) - issued in class today for your exam next week.

As discussed boys!!! - please remember what we undertook for our daily maths quiz will be "number" that you will be performing in the examination.

Please see above, as discussed in class re:  what to revise for your examination!

8MS - Monday 7 May 2018 - Statistics Sheet - Task 8 - Column Graph
and Task 10 - Histogram need to be completed by Tuesday morning boys please.

8MS - As discussed on Friday boys - please ensure you are doing revision for your Maths exam in Week 4.

Week Two:

8MS - Boys as explained to you in class, you have exams in Week 4.  Please ensure you begin revising for your exams to ensure you undertake the questions with confidence!

8MS - Monday 30 April 2018 - Statistics Sheet - Task 5 - Frequency Table

8MS - Wednesday 2 May 2018 - Statistics Sheet - Task 7 - Creading a Frequency Table with Class widths

Week One:


Everyone should be completing at least 15 minutes of Maths per night - class work, Maths Whiz or iXL
Image result for practice quotes

Week 8: 

20/03/2018 - 8MS Maths - Please complete the every day problems sheet we began in class today on for homework.  Also, don't forget to keep practising on Maths Whizz to upskill your competence and confidence at your own pace.

Week 7 (12/03)
KF Maths - explain how you worked out the number of digits you would need to count all the numbers from 1-1,000,000.
15 minutes on iXL  or Maths Whiz each night

Monday 12/03
Complete Roots and Powers
Maths Whiz Target Multiplication

Monday 12 March 2018
8MS - Complete Powers and Square Roots Sheet undertaken in class.

Don't forget to do your 10/15 minutes of Maths Whizz boys (Mult/Div Facts to 12) every night for competency and confidence! 3 second recall is the aim/goal!!

Week Six:
Monday 5 March 2018
8MS - Positive and Negative Numbers - Integers/Everyday problems

Tuesday 6 March
Maths Whizz 15 minutes
Finish word problems by tomorrow.
KF Maths - complete 'Heads &Legs' and both crosswords for Thursday. 

Thursday 8 March 2018
8MS - Squares and Square Roots

Week 5 Maths:
KF Maths - Integer work to be completed by Tuesday.

Tuesday 20 February 2018
8MS Maths - Bedmas Sheets

7GU Maths
Wednesday 21 February
Complete BEDMAS to question 40

Thursday 22 February
Complete BEDMAS sheet to question 64

Tuesday 27/02
Complete Integers

Maths Whizz 15 mins per night
Week 4 Maths:

19th February 2018
8MS Maths -  Mult/Div Sheets

23 February 2018
8MS Maths - Special Numbers

7GU Maths
Hi boys, the Maths homework has been a little hard to find so from now on it will be week by week under this heading!
Maths Whizz is every night for 15 minutes!

Week 7
Monday 12/3
Finish Roots and Powers
Wednesday 14/03
Read over divisibility rules and continue with Maths Whizz

Week 10
No Maths Whizz this week
Multiplication and Division sheet
Multiples and Factors
Prime Numbers
Due by Friday morning.

Term 2
Image result for reach for the stars

Maths Whizz Daily and revise concepts taught
Catch up on outstanding work

Revise for Statistics test on Tuesday 14 May
Learn Mean, Median, Mode and Range
Bar, Histogram, Stem and Leaf
Revise all notes

Week 5
Complete the Year 8 exam for tomorrow (Tuesday).

Week 7
Monday- Complete angles worksheet by tomorrow

Term 3
Week 6: Complete all sheets ready for marking tomorrow.